Atulya Amla & Bhringraj Hair Oil
Strengthen and nourish your hair roots with Atulya Amla & Bhringraj Hair Oil. Atulya Amla & Bhringraj Hair oil is 100% organic and is been derived from herbal extracts to provide proper ‘food for hair’ which helps in hair regrowth. Atulya Amla & Bhringraj Hair Oil is designed to stimulate and vitalise hair growth and improve the overall hair quality ad density of hair. Infused with rich ingredients like Amla, Bhringraj, and other herbal extracts, it helps in strengthening the hair follicles and prevents hair loss and helps in encouraging hair growth by preventing pre-mature ageing. Atulya Amla & Bhringraj Hair Oil helps in restoring volume of hair and helps in controlling hair thinning and breakage. A non-greasy formula Atulya Amla & Bhringraj Hair Oil also helps in providing hair volume, lustre and strength.
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